In Defence of Marxism (theoretical magazine) - subscription

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IDOM mag - sub
30,00 CHF

Quick Overview

The theoretical struggle is a key component of the class struggle. As Lenin explained, without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. Capitalism is facing the deepest crisis in its history. The ruling class can offer no real way forward for the vast majority of people.

The In Defence of Marxism magazine is the theoretical quarterly of the Revolutionary Communist International. It is a must have for all advanced workers and youth who wish to arm themselves with the revolutionary philosophy and method of Marxism. Subscribe to get your copy; read and study it with your comrades, workmates or classmates, and prepare for the dramatic events to come!

The magazine appears in four issues per year. One subscription buys four consecutive issues.

For the digital subscription or orders from outside Switzerland please visit the In Defence of Marxism magazine website.

Plus d’information
Author Internationale Communiste Révolutionnaire
Label None
Langue Anglais